Royal Baptist Church
Newnan, GA
Are you looking for real HOPE? If you would like to talk with someone about having a personal relationship with Jesus, click the green box, "I NEED TO TALK." Just type the word "HOPE" in the "request" box,...and we will help answer your questions and help you take your next step toward knowing Jesus!
Looking for Hope? …His name is Jesus!
Our world is full of trouble, suffering, challenges, and pressures. Our lives are often filled with hurt, loss, pain, burdensome struggles, and loneliness. We all have a deep longing for real peace in our hearts. Jesus said, …
“…in Me you may have PEACE. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” ~ John 16:33
The simple truth is that all our suffering and pain is the consequence of living in a sin-fallen world. Jesus Himself is the only answer and our only true Hope! Jesus said, …
“I came that they might have LIFE and have it abundantly.” ~ John 10:10
Jesus offers you real HOPE by offering real PEACE and LIFE, ...a meaningful LIFE that comes only from Him. But HOW can you actually have it? …only in a personal relationship with Jesus; .
The Bible is God's true message to us all. It gives us some bad news, and some good news, actually great news! The bad news is this: every person has sinned against God (Romans 3:23). Our sin separates us from God, and His perfect judgment upon our sin is death; both physical and eternal spiritual death (Romans 6:23). There is nothing anyone can do on their own to earn or merit release from this "death penalty" that we all rightly deserve because of our sin (Ephesians 2:9).
But here's the Good News! God loves you so very much and He doesn't want you to die! So, in His great mercy and love, God the Father sent His own sinless Son, Jesus, to pay your death penalty for you; to die in your place so you wouldn't have to (Romans 5:8)! Jesus died to offer you LIFE! Jesus said, "I have come that they may have LIFE..." (John 10:10). The Bible tells us that Jesus indeed came to this earth, born of the virgin Mary, lived a sinless life, willingly gave up His life to be crucified on a cross, was buried, and on the third day AROSE bodily, and was seen ALIVE by over 500 people at one time (1 Corinthians 15:3-8). Jesus conquered death and sin at the cross! Today, Jesus offers you this same victorious life of HOPE!
So, how can you have this life that Jesus offers? Here are three important things:
1. ADMIT to God you are a sinner. (Rom. 3:23)
2. BELIEVE that Jesus is God's Son who died and rose again. (John 3:16; 1 Cor. 15:3-4)
3. COMMIT to follow Jesus by faith; turn away from sin & live for Him. (Eph. 2:8-9; Rom. 10:9-10, 13)
You may do so RIGHT NOW...while your read this: If the Lord is tugging at your heart, then just cry out to Him in prayer, in your own words. Ask Him to forgive your sin. Acknowledge that you need Him and tell Him that you believe in Him as the living Lord & Savior. Ask Christ to come into your life and to change your heart and to help you to truly love Him and live for Him from this day forward. Then, thank the Lord for saving you! Remember, ...God's promise to you is, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." (Rom. 10:13)
IF YOU CALLED UPON JESUS TO SAVE YOU JUST NOW, ....or, if you would LIKE TO KNOW MORE or talk to someone further about having a personal relationship with Jesus, just CLICK the green box, "LEARN MORE." Just type the word "HOPE" in the "request" box,...and we will help answer your questions and help you take your next step toward knowing Jesus!